
Hey everyone! It’s been a minute. After our big move to another city, things over here at mamashomebookin definitely fell off the wagon. I didn’t stop reading, but I did stop posting lengthy reviews and while it has been a much needed break, I also noticed some negative side effects. When I was posting regularly both the quality and quantity of the books I read was much higher. Even though it was taking a lot of time and effort to write the in-depth reviews and navigate wordpress (something I still really struggle with) it was actually making me a better reader. I was having a better reading year than I have had for many years if not the best reading year yet! Cue big life change of buying our first home, starting over in a new city, sending my boys to kindergarten, etc. I definitely thought I deserved a break, but (and maybe this is not directly a result of my hiatus, who knows?) I entered what has been, except for pregnancies, the worst reading slump of the past decade. I averaged only two books a month and a handful of those were re-reads (#bookclubwoes). BUT. It’s a new year, and I’ve been thinking a lot (ok, not as much as I should have, but “some”) about the future of this blog and my bookstagram. I’m not abandoning it, but I am going to change some things.  Probably more of the past and present books I really enjoy and recommend, a little less of “this is everything I read”. My question to you is, is there anything specific you want to see from me in 2019? Things you like that I already do? Things you don’t like so much. Let me know in the comments and I’ll try to work in your suggestions to the next chapter (ha!) of this blog. Thanks for still being here

2 comments on Update

  • Katie

    I love knowing what you recommend, and really appreciate your judgement and the depth of your reviews. I can’t imagine it is easy to review every book you read, but if you find something good, please share the word! There have been books that I have passed by or put off that you motivated me to pick up immediately because of your depth of analysis.

  • Jane Cornelius

    I like searching for book recommendations by category because I often have some idea of what type of book I am in the mood for. It would be great to have at the bottom of each entry (or maybe as a list or label) a few similar books. That way I can easily search for “books like ____”, fill in the blank.

    It could also be neat to have an catalog of introductory books. Somewhere that I could go to find a good option for my first venture into Amerian History, Science, etc.

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