Browsing CategoryRomance

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

Ultimately this book disappointed me. Imagine a bell curve; that perfectly illustrates the energy and my interest in this novel. The beginning was slow and that’s okay, a lot of books begin that way. I was prepared to be patient. The writing was good and occasionally very clever, clever enough I felt it promised satisfaction just around every page. I waited, then podded, onward. Even though I’m a self-proclaimed anglophile and I just absolutely adore anything British I was seriously contemplating not finishing this book. Nothing was happening, no character was strong enough to care too deeply about. Could I…

The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

A lovely book. I thoroughly enjoyed L.M. Montgomery’s foray into adult fiction. Best known for her Anne of Green Gables series, Montgomery proves she can delight audiences young and old. The Blue Castle is a historical fiction full of life, charm, and heart. I sincerely loved my time with it. The beginning was perhaps a little slow but once the protagonist set herself in motion the plot likewise followed. The story stalled a couple times but always recovered nicely. I wish the blue castle had played more of a part and been fully fleshed out, and had it been written…